Sedaj prikazano: Sejšeli - Poštne znamke (1980 - 1989) - 10 znamke.

1986 Appearance of Halley's Comet

februar WM: 7 Perforacija: 14 x 14¼

[Appearance of Halley's Comet, tip PQ] [Appearance of Halley's Comet, tip PR] [Appearance of Halley's Comet, tip PS] [Appearance of Halley's Comet, tip PT]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC    
601 PQ 50C - - - -
602 PR 2R - - - -
603 PS 3R - - - -
604 PT 10R - - - -
601‑604 6,25 - - - EUR
[International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA - Inter-island Communications, tip QA] [International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA - Inter-island Communications, tip QB] [International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA - Inter-island Communications, tip QC] [International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA - Inter-island Communications, tip QD]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC    
613 QA 50C - - - -
614 QB 2R - - - -
615 QC 3R - - - -
616 QD 7R - - - -
613‑616 8,00 - - - EUR
[Royal Wedding of Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson, tip QJ] [Royal Wedding of Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson, tip QK]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC    
622 QJ 2R - - - -
623 QK 10R - - - -
622‑623 4,25 - - - EUR


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